Friday 29 June 2012

"Hang On"

Sometimes it seems like there's no hope and no help. Like you have no more strength or ability to go on - you're at the end of the rope! Don't worry, just hang on to your faith in God. God is faithful and He will not forsake you.
He has not forgotten you. It may seem dark and hopeless, but God is holding on to you; He is working behind the scenes. Things will work out.

Saturday 23 June 2012

"Seize Every Opportunity God Gives"

Do you want God to display His power in your life? If your answer is a "yes", then seize every opportunity God gives you to display how great He is, and you'll see Him do something amazing in your life. Your highest and greatest purpose as a follower of Jesus is to spread the fame of God's name wherever He has placed you.

Thursday 21 June 2012

"Sand Castles"

The ocean becomes silent, and so does God it seems. Where did you go wrong? You tried to build your castle in your way and strength but you forgot that God made the sand and the ocean. He will remind you that your foundation is nothing but shifting sand. If your priorities get out of proportion, He will bring in the evening tide to help reshape it. God has things for us to build that He plans to last forever. He wants the Kingdom of Heaven to be the number one priority in our lives .

Saturday 16 June 2012

"Be Honest With GOD"

We can be honest with God even when we are filled with anger or despair because God knows us thoroughly and wants the very best for us. Anger may result in rash outward acts or turning inward towards depression. But because we trust in our all-powerful God, we don't have to be victims of circumstance or be weighed down by guilt of sin. Be honest with God, and He will help you turn your attention from yourself to Him and His mercy.

Wednesday 13 June 2012

"Lord, We Just Want To Be With You"

[9 June 2012 : 8am in the morning]
My heart sings unto the Lord as I woke up and still lying on my bed.

Lord, we just want to be with You and in our lives You're shining through. You let Your glory fill the earth with love and grace. O Lord, touch our hearts with warm embrace and let Your presence grow in us forever.

Friday 1 June 2012

"Walk With GOD Instead Of Begging Him To Walk With You"

I remember when a profound change occured in my daily approach to God. For months I had asked God to walk with me and bless what I did and it's like the clay trying to spin the Potter! I wanted God to bless my feet of clay as I walked where my heart led but my feet got scorched walking through some terrible fires sparked by my misguided passion. Then I realized that God wanted me to walk with Him.

God's blessing would come when I did what He said. I learned that I can only trust my heart when it is fully surrendered to obey God's truth. I don't have a clue where the paths I choose will lead but God's plans for me lead the way - beyond what I've seen, heard or imagined. I fully trust and believe that daily walking with God in obedience is the sure means of fulfilling His wonderful plans.